Following the Waze GPS app through Nazareth is always an adventure. The ancient streets were designed for camels and donkeys, not cars. But we eventually made it to the concert hall (even though Waze kept insisting it was two streets down). Despite their humble beginnings, the Sakhnini’s music had been spreading among the locals in Nazareth so quickly, we were having a hard time keeping their CD supply stocked. It was time to play live.
The Sakhnini Brothers had played for years in worship bands and conferences – but this was the first time the set would consist entirely of their music.
If you can imagine a worshipful blend of Middle Eastern, Modern and Classical music you’ve pictured that evening.
Aside from the song lyrics which I knew, the only other part I understood from the whole evening was “Fellowship of Artists” and “Kobi and Shani” when they were thanking their sponsors.
For two hours I watched a sold-out auditorium filled with Muslims and nominal Christians listen to the message of repentance, redemption and God’s love sung to them. The icing on the cake was that the rest of the musicians on the stage were believing Jews – ministering in Nazareth united in our love for God.

After the concert the Sakhninis didn’t miss a beat. The concert was in October and by the end of December they were ready to record a second album of original songs. Beautifully lyrical with a blend of both ancient and modern melodies, they give “Israeli worship” a whole new dimension.
If you haven’t read about the Sakhnini Brothers, it’s worth reading their beautiful family backstory we wrote about last year (January 2019 Maoz Israel Report).
You can support the music of the Sakhnini Brothers when you donate to Maoz.

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