Shalom from Jerusalem!
Remember last month we asked for prayer for our recently printed Hebrew Bibles?
We had been notified the Bibles were on their way to Israel and were concerned of the Houthi pirates from Yemen who were hijacking ships on their way to Israel. Well, our collective prayers have been answered and the Bibles are in our hands!
Our Maoz partners who gave towards and prayed for those Bibles are the force behind our ability to provide Israelis with a Bible they can understand as modern Hebrew speakers.
So thank you!

Since the war began, Maoz—as well as other ministry organizations in Israel—have had incredible opportunities participating in serving our nation as Jewish believers in Yeshua.
In Israel, being a Jewish believer has long been perceived as some sort of threat to the health and existence of the Jewish people. This has been accentuated due to the history of the church persecuting Jews and general ignorance in Israeli culture as what a Jewish believer even is.
So it’s been especially satisfying to know that where Hamas meant to destroy us, they have actually caused many Israelis to stop and look at other Israelis with fresh eyes—including us. This means Jewish believers now have a chance to shine their light in the darkness of this situation and in the lives of our people who are suffering.
Nonetheless, we are still deep in our battle for survival. As Hamas planned, one of the most difficult areas to restore Israel in the years ahead will not be a home or a field, but rather the minds of Israelis. The traumas witnessed by children and adults alike in the early days of this war cannot easily be erased. And the months’ long displacement of families and even complete towns has brought on its own psychological and emotional problems.
The affect this trauma will have on the culture of our nation for decades to come is daunting. Therefore, the sooner we address this issue, the higher our chances in bringing healing and restoration to the people of our land—both Jewish and Arab.
In all this, one cannot overstate the importance of addressing spiritual needs alongside psychological needs. And that is something we as believers can address.
Access to trained believing counselors is currently limited in Israel, but we do have a number of such trained professionals and Maoz would like to get behind their efforts to reach and care for as many Israelis as possible.
If you or a loved one has ever gone through any sort of mental health treatment, you understand the length of time needed, enormous costs involved and the value of that investment in your life. Right now we have everything from soldiers returning from the battlefields, to displaced families, to trauma victims from October 7th on a waiting list wanting to be treated and unable because of the cost involved.
It won’t be cheap, but Maoz is committing to sponsor these victims and heroes who have fought to defend us and now need us to defend them. If you’d like to join us in this endeavor, $300 a month will sponsor an individual or family receiving treatment. For each individual treated, Maoz will commit to one year of treatment and reassess at the end of the year if there is need to continue. We will cover the cost of as many people as you, our Maoz partners, will help us care for.
Thank You for partnering with us and Israel,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson

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