Bringing the Truth of Israel to Brazil

Published: October 2, 2018 | Maoz Israel Reports

As I came out of the arrivals door of the Sao Paulo, Brazil International Airport, I was greeted by our faithful and longtime friend Luis who has been with Maoz for many years. Even though he is the director of a school and has many other responsibilities, he gives freely of his time to bless Israel through Maoz Israel Ministries. It was a great time of fellowship as he expressed to me the excitement there was in many congregations throughout Brazil who were waiting for my visit.

We were later joined by Anderson Barreto, our extraordinary Brazil national director, and discussed some goals of our trip. Then Anderson and I got on a plane to the city of Salvador.

As we went from city to city and congregation to congregation, there was one thing in common in each city and group. They all had a positive view of Israel and they were grateful that someone from Israel came to give them a biblical reason to stand with Israel. I was impressed by how many young people were present at each meeting.

Another blessed event happened at two different meetings. When I finished sharing and teaching, many people came forward for salvation at the altar call. If only for that purpose I came, it was worth it.

Two of the congregations where I spoke had tens of thousands of members. It was a great encouragement to see them embracing Israel with newly received information and a renewed excitement.

Our last stop was the city of Manaus. This is a city of 2,500,000 people in the middle of the Amazon Jungle.

The Apostle Pastor Renee Terra Nova received us as family and opened up his congregation to us. We were able to bring God’s heart for Israel to them through the teaching of the Word and the grace and moving of the Holy Spirit.

From left: Maoz Brazil director Anderson Barreto, Ari Sorko-Ram, Apostle Renee Terra Nova.

The response was very positive and the meetings were broadcast throughout Brazil “live.” We were able to impact hundreds of thousands of people at one time though the media of Internet.

As Anderson and I sat together waiting for our last flight to return home; each to his own city, it became clear to both of us that the Brazilian people were opening their hearts to Israel and that we would begin to see many new opportunities for our two countries to work together to further God’s plans for Israel and Brazil.

Igreja Batista Siao, Pastor Ishmail, Bahai.


Igeja Batista Caminho das Arvores, Salvador, Bishop Atila Brandao.
