We will begin this month to translate The Action Bible in Hebrew. Illustrated by a Marvel/DC Comics artist.
How can you get a child to want to read the Bible? You give them a visual Bible that they will love to read over and over!
The most powerful seed you can sow in a child’s heart is love for the Word of God.
The Action Bible, a 750-page hardcover book, will cost $94,000 to translate and publish in Hebrew.
$125 sponsors a page!
Help us bring up a new generation that loves the stories of the Bible.
Partner with us today!
Dear Maoz Partner,
Statistics show most people who live lives dedicated to God were introduced to Him at a young age. That means when you provide a child with a Bible, you have planted the most fruitful seed we know of to-date.
But it’s not enough to hand children a Bible with lofty words, poems and complicated ideas. How can you get a child to want to read the Bible you give them? You give them a visual Bible that makes the stories come to life!
If you want to identify the book your kids like the most, look for the one with the most scuffs, scribbles and missing pages.
Our kids, who read Hebrew, English and Arabic, have hundreds of books in our home to choose from. And yet, there is no book we own that has been read and re-read more times than The Action Bible. Illustrated by a Marvel/DC Comics artist, the intensity and beauty of the stories from the Bible come alive page after page.
More than once I have been alarmed by the house being “too quiet” and went searching to find out what mischief my kids were up to – only to find them in their room engrossed in the pages of this book. What joy it must bring the Lord to watch a new generation grow up loving the stories that He created and wrote down so we would remember.
The Action Bible will cost $94,000 to translate and publish in Hebrew – a gift of $125 sponsors a page!
You can help us publish a Bible that will birth a love for the Word of God in the hearts of children all over Israel!
For Zion’s Sake,
Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram
Kobi and Shani Ferguson
P.S. When you sponsor at least one page for $125 (£100; $165CAD), we will send you the Color Me Family discipleship manual coloring book for your enjoyment.

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