Shalom from Jerusalem!
Several years ago when Kobi and I first began sharing the vision we had for the restoration of Israel’s Levitical worshippers and the direct connection this would have with Israel’s salvation, one of the older Messianic leaders told us–“This has to be something the Lord is showing you, because none of the leaders I know have ever seen the significance of this – though it is clear as day, once you shared about it.”
Although we had the vision clearly, it becoming a reality has been years in the making.
This year, on Shavuot–the Feast of First Fruit–the Fellowship of Artists (Maoz Israel’s creative branch of ministry) will present its “first fruits” in a worship concert. As it was an offering before the Lord, the concert filmed in the Judean hills just outside Jerusalem was recorded with no audience – or should we say, an audience of One.
The worship included all original songs that were recorded in both Hebrew and Arabic and entirely by Israeli musicians and singers. Birgitta, who’s story we shared this month, is also a part of this concert, as a living, breathing testimony of God’s faithfulness.
Everything the world knows about worshipping the one true God originated in Israel.
With that kind of heritage, Israel is surely a place believers around the world should yearn to explore the depths of worship we all are longing for.
Our prayer is that this worship experience will inspire believers around the world through the richness of worship that can come from Israel, in His chosen Land and from His chosen people–and this is just the first round!
The Levites of old had a call to worship; but only when the community around them fulfilled their role in supporting the call, were the Levites able to carry out their lifework. So, we will release the songs from this worship encounter throughout the year. And in line with the Biblical pattern of community support of its dedicated worshippers, we are launching the Friends of the Fellowship of Artists (FoA).
You can become a Friend of the FoA with your monthly commitment of any amount. 100% of what you give will go toward developing Israeli worshippers on a spiritual and practical level.
As a Friend of the FoA, you will be the first to know when new music comes out, enjoy insider clips from the team hard at work and will have access to the full FoA worship concert when it is released on Shavuot this May. Most of all, you will get to enjoy all this, knowing you took part in making it happen!
Proclaiming worship from Zion,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson

Free Gaza

Bringing Light Beyond Borders

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