From Crisis to Christ

Published: February 1, 2025 | Maoz Israel Reports

Shalom from Jerusalem,

     Once or twice in our lifetime we find moments when the whole world shifts. People migrate en masse, new borders are drawn and new governments are formed from the ashes of an upheaval.

     These windows of time are rare opportunities to reach into crevices of society that are inaccessible otherwise.

     Right now, millions of refugees from Syria and other unstable Middle Eastern countries are unsure of their future. Many of them have been steeped in the anti-West mantra even as they were welcomed by those very western countries.

     So many Muslims living in the West have never been offered an alternative to their belief in a god who decrees genocide and torture. And we as believers are the only ones who can provide it.

     If we can reach them now with the truth of eternal life, one of two scenarios will play out. Either they will eventually return home carrying with them the seeds of salvation deep into the Islamic dominated Middle East—or they will stay long term in their current host nation and help thwart the Islamic invasion of Europe and beyond.

     The initial stage of our outreach to Muslim refugees this year will include creating online Gospel resources in Arabic as well as sending Arab members of the Maoz team out to minister in Europe. Reaching Muslims through in-person ministry trips and online outreach will cost an estimated $67,000.

     Jihadi Muslims have long been building an army to infiltrate and conquer the West. If you’ve visited cities where Muslims are no longer a minority, you know the change they bring. And yet, its not too late—if God’s army will take its place before the throne and fight for the eternal lives of the Arab people—who too are of the seed of Abraham.

     This is quite profoundly the chance of a lifetime to reach Muslims when they are open and not under the control of their Islamic governments.

     We have a window. We have the language. We have the people on board who yearn to reach their Arab brethren.

     Help us reach them while there is still time.

     Our children’s freedom may very well depend on it.

In His service,

Kobi & Shani Ferguson
