Shalom from Israel,
This is what you give a family, a widow, a business owner, or a student…when you give to IStandwithIsrael!
You’ve read the stories. You’ve seen their faces. You have felt their heavy hearts, weighed down with doubt, fear, or distress.
But you have also seen their THRILL when we have knocked on their door, or wired funds to their bank accounts, or we paid for the training they needed to provide for their families!
THIS is IStandwithIsrael. And THIS is the difference you make in lives when you give!
This past year, our plans for IStandwithIsrael changed dramatically when the world changed. But IStandwithIsrael’s ability to adapt to conditions on the ground is why it has been so effective in Israel for decades. And it is why we were able to help five times as many families this year as we helped last year.
Last winter, even before the pandemic hit, 49% of Israelis were unable to afford proper heating for their homes. Most homes in Israel do not have central heating and cooling and rely on expensive fuel. Many families will make do with an hour of heat in the morning and an hour of heat in the evening.
Winter 2020 is coming, and the cold does not take into consideration how difficult this year has already been. Working together with the Joseph Project, this winter we have the opportunity to distribute 20,000 coats to those who will need it most. We need $7,600 to get the coats into Israel and disbursed to 30 locations across the country. That’s less than $0.38 to put a coat on their back!
Yes, this year is one for the books! And as we begin the countdown to 2021, we all look forward to brighter days ahead. God is faithful! And He is working through YOU to perform miracles in the lives of people, both Jewish and Arab, all over Israel. Together, we will continue into 2021 with hope, courage, and strength, to make believers STRONG in Israel.
For the future of Israel,
Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram & Kobi and Shani Ferguson
P.S. This month, along with your regular gift, be sure to include a gift for IstandwithIsrael. You can expect it to make a difference in someone’s life…and keep them warm, too.

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