The internet, television and press are covering our nation with fearful and anxious reports—and no one has the answers to their distress. This is the time to make God’s truth accessible to them.
Shalom from Jerusalem!
In this most chaotic time that Israel has experienced since its miraculous rebirth exactly 75 years ago, Israel needs us.
More than ever, we have a mandate from Heaven to reach out to our people in every possible way.
Israelis are at a place where they are willing to question everything they thought was a given—like living however they want in their own free land.
The internet, television and press are covering our nation with fearful and anxious reports—and no one has the answers to their distress. This is the time to make God’s truth accessible to them.
We’ve labored for years to translate outreach and discipleship materials and make the Bible accessible to everyday Israelis in a way they can understand.
Parents of children who are reading our newly released comic-style Action Bible in Hebrew tell us the kids don’t want to put it down!
Our Narrated Bible is an awesome resource for non-believers to be introduced to the God of Israel and His Son Yeshua the Messiah in a way they can understand!
If you can believe it—we are almost out of our first printing of the Narrated Bible!
100% of the funds from sales go back to reprinting more Bibles. However, since we gave most of the Bibles away to leaders and students across the country and during outreaches, we need to raise funds to reprint. In addition, as we have joined with the Israel Bible Society for this project from the beginning, we have only $17,000 left to raise of the $45,000 needed to reprint.
We thank you for your prayers and your financial investment into the area where God gives you a heart to team up with us!
For Israel’s Sake,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson

Free Gaza

Bringing Light Beyond Borders

From Crisis to Christ

Rebranding the Terrorist

Shmuel is Hebrew for Samuel

Build a Bible School In Israel

Overcoming Evil with Good

From the Ashes, Beauty Rises

If You Had to Build a Believing Community from Scratch, How Would You Do It?