Shalom from Jerusalem!
As you may have gathered from the articles in this report, to the Druze, being a Druze is an honor—a privilege. A priceless inheritance.
And while Druze are fiercely protective of their own, they can be just as aggressive against someone from their community who chooses to abandon their ways.
As we covered the tragedy that occurred this month, we reached out to our network of over 100 congregations in Israel to see if there were any Druze who had come to the Lord whom we could help.
One of our close friends who is a pastor responded by sharing about members in his own congregation that came out of the Druze community. To protect them from persecution we will avoid sharing full details, but here are some.
Joud (not his real name) and his wife and many children have all paid dearly for the choice they made to follow Yeshua and have experienced many difficulties. For years, Joud has worked most of his life in maintenance with a small salary, but he made sure that every spare shekel they had was spent on his children’s education.
His kids are now grown; one is an officer in the army and another works with the police. Three of their boys have served in the military—and their youngest just finished registering for higher education studies. This is no small feat for a family of small means.
But just as this milestone brought them great joy, Joud was informed this month that he was being let go from a job he has held for years as some people with influence decided to give his job to a relative (it’s a Middle East culture thing.) Both Joud and his wife have serious health issues. So, at 59 he must now find a new job to support his family—in a community that opposes his belief in the New Covenant.
Thankfully, they have a home that has been in the family for generations, but their pastor pointed out some specific needs they have been struggling with for many years that will only cost $13,000 to clear up.
It is clear that choosing to accept the message of forgiveness of sins and a personal relationship with God through Yeshua is one of the bravest decisions a Druze can make. And we want to honor the brave among us.
Would you like to join us in blessing this Druze Christian family?
Joud and his family are among the few, the first fruits from the Druze community and we are believing for this community in Israel to grow!
Together For the Least of These,
Kobi & Shani Ferguson

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