When Maoz Israel was founded almost 50 years ago, there were only a handful of Jewish believers in Israel. Since then Maoz has worked to build a community of believers spread throughout Israel that would include a variety of ministries, businesses and congregations.
This vision was founded on a partnership between Israeli believers who would build this community together with people like you from around the world who would be the force behind the activities on the ground in Israel.
What would be the building blocks that would give substance and identity to this community?
We found four keystones…
• Character & Spirituality
• Worship & the Arts
• Economic Sustainability
• Education & Multimedia

Keystone 1 – Character & Spirituality
Our love for one another tells the world more about God’s love for His creation than our fanciest words. But let’s be real. Becoming godly doesn’t happen the day we choose to believe. It takes time and patience and works better when we practice together.
That is why over the decades Maoz Outreach has planted congregations as well as supported over 100 Jewish and Arab congregations all across Israel. Maoz has also modeled unity and solidarity by collaborating with local ministries and sponsoring many activities from conferences to street outreaches to camps for children, youth and leaders.

Keystone 2 – Worship & The Arts
“Let me write the songs of a nation and I need not write its laws.”
Revival has a sound and we want the world to hear it.
It is said during some revolutions, certain songs were banned by authorities because of the emotions they would stir up in the people. Today in Israel, no public airwaves will carry the music of Israeli believers. For this reason, Israeli worship must be developed to a point of exposure where it cannot be ignored. And growing popularity for Israeli worship outside of Israel is a big part of this.
That is why Maoz Israel Music has a recording studio in Jerusalem with an entire team of Israelis writing and recording worship music in Hebrew, English and Arabic together with local and international worship leaders.

Keystone 3 – Economic Sustainability
Building a believing community within Israel from scratch is expensive—especially when many of today’s citizens left their lives and careers behind and started fresh in a new land, new language and new culture in Israel.
That is why the I Stand with Israel fund is designed to help individuals and families in a way that will leave an impact years from now.
By providing career training opportunities, significant emergency financial relief and financial guidance, ISWI aims to raise the standard of living for believers as a witness of God’s goodness to those who walk in His ways.
For over 25 years Maoz’ I Stand with Israel benevolence fund has distributed more than
10 million dollars to families and individuals in need. This just a sampling of their photos.

Keystone 4 – Education & Multimedia
We all know the heart can be swayed by emotional messages—especially for the younger generation. But the mind is anchored by knowledge and understanding of the truth.
In order to build a healthy Body and overcome everyday challenges as well as life-altering crises, it is important for us to make the truths of God’s Word available with published materials as well as multimedia.
That is why Maoz Publishing has poured millions of dollars into the printing of Hebrew Bibles for different age groups in Israel as well as translation of over 160 spiritual books that address everything from evangelism and theology to the nitty-gritty our daily walk with the Lord.
For Christians around the world, Maoz also provides informative videos, a TV show aired on Daystar® TV and concise articles from the Maoz Israel Report in multiple languages.
The Maoz Israel Report
Since 1976, Maoz has published a monthly newsletter that offers spiritual, political and social insight into Israel from the perspective of local Israelis.
Subscribe today!

The emergency response efforts of I Stand with Israel launched after the October 7th attacks
Essential Supplies
Providing soldiers with basic items like warm clothing and ceramic bulletproof vests
Major Gratitude
IDF Major embraces Kobi Ferguson after receiving equipment and food for his soldiers
Restoring the South
Maoz volunteers work alongside IDF soldiers to help rebuild villages attacked by HamasEssential Supplies

Back to School
This school compound was built in less than six weeks in cooperation with Maoz Israel, the city of Ra’anana and the Ministry of Education
Mayor & Co.
City Mayor and Maoz team visit evacuated kindergarten that survived the Hamas attacks
Families & Homes
As part of the war-relief efforts, Maoz provided vouchers for evacuated families and restored homes destroyed by Hezbollah rockets near the northern border
Together in the Harvest
Many foreign laborers were kidnapped, killed or fled the country after the attacks of October 7th. In response the Maoz team volunteered alongside thousands of Israelis to save the food supply.

Free Gaza

Bringing Light Beyond Borders

From Crisis to Christ

Rebranding the Terrorist

Shmuel is Hebrew for Samuel

Build a Bible School In Israel

Overcoming Evil with Good

From the Ashes, Beauty Rises

If You Had to Build a Believing Community from Scratch, How Would You Do It?