We’re just a few weeks into January and already we’re getting a clearer picture of everything we – the Maoz team and our tenacious partners around the world – managed to pull off last year despite the struggles that came with year two of COVID related obstacles.
Many have asked us about several of the time sensitive projects we shored up in December. We are ecstatic to announce that the Ma’ale Adumim Congregation purchase price was fully funded before the end of last year and they are simply working through final paperwork! MaozWorship (Fellowship of Artists) and MaozAid (I Stand with Israel) projects were also fully funded! The Action Bible translation and publication were so funded we are now looking to increase the amount of Bibles we can print!
If you’ve kept up, for the past year we’ve been telling parts of the incredible story of hardships and breakthroughs my parents experienced in their pioneer efforts in Israel. They didn’t get through it on their own. Thousands of Christians and Messianic Jews around the world held their hands along the way for YEARS. They prayed, they gave, they encouraged – and the Kingdom of God is stronger in Israel because of them.
As Maoz enters its 46th year of existence, we continue the vision not just to see all Israel barely make it into the Kingdom of Heaven, but for the Body of believers in Israel to thrive and become the light to the nations they were always called to be. Will you walk with us and watch God’s plan bloom before your eyes?
Will you commit to a monthly gift for this calendar year? $25? $50? $100? Invested into efforts with eternal value? You can manage your monthly gift here whenever you like. Then this time next year you will be able to look at our year end summary and know you were a part of making that happen.
Thank you for believing in us!
Thank you for believing in God’s ability to save this nation.
Blessings and shalom,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson
Watch the blessed summary of Maoz Israel this year!