Credit: Getty Images / RnDmS
Building the Body in Israel is a group effort. No one leader, one congregation or one ministry can do everything. And so at Maoz we think nationally. From seasoned congregational leaders to new believers, Maoz specializes in helping make believers strong behind the scenes.
Shalom from Jerusalem!
Almost 50 years ago, Ari and Shira founded Maoz Israel with the mission of building up a community of Jewish believers that would spread across the land of Israel. But what are the building blocks that make up a believing community and culture where there is none? At the time, there were just a few handfuls of Jewish followers of Yeshua – a generation later there are tens of thousands!
These Israeli believers are spread throughout the land of Israel in dozens of congregations. Maoz has spent the past almost-five decades networking with over 100 Jewish and Arab congregations, seeking out where to empower a fledgling ministry, a budding business, a young family or a group of new immigrants.
Building the Body in Israel is a group effort. No one leader, one congregation or one ministry can do everything. And so at Maoz we think nationally. From seasoned congregational leaders to new believers, Maoz specializes in helping make believers strong behind the scenes.
Why behind the scenes? Sometimes the people and organizations we help are excited to share of their breakthrough–and we are excited to pass their story on to you. However, other times–especially in a small community that is under a local and international microscope–strengthening a leader, a family or an organization is more effective if no one around them knows about it.
The trust we have from you and thousands of our worldwide partners is the reason we are able to do this!
Building the Body in Israel is a team effort of local Israelis and dedicated supporters from abroad. And we would love for you to be a part of this team effort!
The year is still young and you can make an early decision to commit to monthly giving for the rest of 2023! Then let’s take a look together at the end of this year and we’ll get to show you how we planted your seed in the most fruitful soil we could find.
Your Partners in the Land of Promise,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson

Free Gaza

Bringing Light Beyond Borders

From Crisis to Christ

Rebranding the Terrorist

Shmuel is Hebrew for Samuel

Build a Bible School In Israel

Overcoming Evil with Good

From the Ashes, Beauty Rises

If You Had to Build a Believing Community from Scratch, How Would You Do It?