Connecting the Dots: Yeshua and the Hebrew Bible

Published: October 1, 2024 | Maoz Israel Reports

Shalom from Jerusalem!

     What if I told you I believe in the Bible, but I’m not sure about the part concerning Yeshua (Jesus)?  Could you show me from the Bible how Yeshua is the awaited Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior, the Lamb of God who takes way the sins of the world?

     How about if I asked you to show me using only the Old Testament? Is it even possible?

     If you think about it, when Yeshua spoke to the masses and challenged the religious leaders who taught in the synagogues, He did so using only the Hebrew Scriptures. Following His death and resurrection, when the disciples and apostles began spreading the Good News from Judea to the ends of the earth—they still had only the “Old Testament” as their heavenly source! 

     Decades later, the letters Paul wrote and the testimony of the eyewitnesses who penned the Gospels, obviously did not have a New Testament. In fact, as they documented the mystery of the Gospel, we find that Yeshua and His followers often quoted Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms scriptures.

     That’s Good News! The truth about the Messiah and King of the Jews is found in the Old Testament scriptures. And we can prove it. 

     In a unique joint project with the Israel Bible Society, Maoz Israel is on a mission to demonstrate through the Hebrew scriptures that Yeshua is the prophesied Messiah to the Jew first and also to the Gentiles. 

     This project is already a year in the works and will take an additional two years to complete. It is budgeted to cost $278,000 and $38,000 has already been raised.

     Several years ago, Maoz Israel and the Israel Bible Society completed the Hebrew Narrated Bible in Chronological Order to give Israelis a Bible that uses all of the acknowledged ancient texts yet reads like a story. What’s more, it includes a dictionary that explains hard-to-understand ancient Hebrew words on each page. 

     That Bible has circulated widely among congregations and non-believers all over Israel and has already been reprinted. It has given Israelis the opportunity to understand their own history with God in the order as it unfolded. 

     This new Hebrew Bible project is designed for the millions of Israelis who respect the Word of God but do not understand how Yeshua fits into the Jewish story. It will highlight for the reader the marvelous details and events surrounding the promised Messiah—found throughout the Hebrew Scriptures.

     If there was ever a beautiful gift to give the People of the Book, it is a Bible that highlights how God foretold and then fulfilled His promise to send a Savior and King for the Jewish people.

In His service,

Kobi & Shani Ferguson
