Shalom from Jerusalem!
“You know, Maoz is a bit like the sandal maker who has no shoes,” a respected minister recently told us when we said we are looking to purchase the facility that serves as Maoz’s ministry headquarters in Jerusalem. “You’ve helped so many families get their own apartments—and ministries get their own facilities—and you don’t own your own home or ministry facility yourself,” they concluded.
Ok, so we get a little excited when we see opportunities arise for others in the Body to purchase property—especially since property is not just expensive, it’s complicated to get. We always think of ourselves as part of the national Body of believers—so a win for them is a win for the Kingdom, is a win for Maoz! For believers all over Israel to own property is one of our core prayers before the Lord.
And now, finally, after 46 plus years of going and growing we have settled in Jerusalem and have an opportunity to purchase the offices, studio and ministry center that make up our headquarters. The price is a lofty $1.5 million, and this purchase is the goal of our summer tour in early July, culminating in our Generations Conference in Dallas, TX July 15th-16th.
This is a big task, and our God is a big God! And your gift will be your own investment in a little slice of Jerusalem for the Kingdom.
The studio is already a magnificent place, with state-of-the-art equipment, and is being used daily to create and declare His majesty in song, artistry, and media. We have been renting space for years and now have an urgency to BUY. Owning will allow us to customize the valuable space and make better use of every square meter.
Will you help us? We are committed to stewarding this property for His glory! And with it we will continue to help the needy, make new melodies, print new books, and build the Body of believers all over Israel.
In His service,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson

Free Gaza

Bringing Light Beyond Borders

From Crisis to Christ

Rebranding the Terrorist

Shmuel is Hebrew for Samuel

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Overcoming Evil with Good

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