Shalom from Jerusalem!
There are hundreds of personal stories of “coming home to Israel” just like Joseph’s. We hear them every week. Some wring out our hearts in compassion for the hardship of their journey. Other stories, like Joseph’s, buoy us toward hope!
Regardless of the obstacles that immigrants face when coming home to their Land, one of the things that stoke the fires burning within us is to help them to get a firm footing.
After all is said and done, we are passionate about making believers STRONG in Israel.
Of course, after reading my mother’s account of helping immigrants find their way to Israel, you know by now, this is nothing new to us. It has been the vision since the beginning!
Ethiopian believers in particular face excommunication from their close knit communities when they make a stand for Yeshua. We need to have a warm community ready and waiting to embrace them.
The time is ripe for us to be able to make a significant impact on the Ethiopian community here in Israel – and in turn for them to make a significant impact on the Body of believers in this land.
Joseph’s congregation is pioneering a movement. We know a little bit about pioneering in Israel and we believe our Maoz partners will want to get in on the ground floor of growing, supporting, and covering them in prayer.
In His service,
Kobi and Shani Ferguson