Current Projects

Build and Support Schools

Goal: $250,000


Amidst our war relief efforts, Maoz has partnered with the city of Ra’anana (near Tel Aviv) and Ra'anana Foundation to help Israeli refugees evacuated from their villages near the Gaza border.

The mayor personally drove us around to show how his city has taken on relief efforts beyond what the government is willing to budget. “We don’t have money for it, but I can’t just turn people away. They don’t have anywhere to go,” he told us.

Thousands of kids are already months behind in their studies and the war is expected to take a year. The rebuilding of devastated areas even longer.

The project is now complete! So, we came back several months later and sat down with the mayor of Ra’anana and the principle of the School for Evacuees and let them tell you about it! Watch the video above!

Other Giving Options

To give by phone or bank wire call 214-677-0560.
Write checks to: Maoz Israel  P.O. Box 535788, Grand Prairie, TX 75053.

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